PricingAs Per SEP 2021 |
₹1960Per 0.5 Kg |
₹2201Per 1 Kg |
₹3020Per 2 Kg |
₹3700Per 3 Kg |
₹4279Per 4 Kg |
₹4649Per 5 Kg |
₹7135Per 10 Kg |
₹13737Per 20 Kg |
₹33674Per 50 Kg |
If you have a look at Shoppre Courier charges from India to Canada, you'd know how affordable and easy-on-the-pockets is Shoppre Courier; especially when it comes to Canada.
International shipping to Canada, whether it is for couriers or forwards from online stores; is made extremely hassle-free by our fine set of services.
The best way to send a birthday gift, personalised gift or chocolates to canada would be to use Shoppre Courier. We also offer the options to gift wrap your gift or add a note to it as it reaches our facility. All you have to do is, ship it to the virtual address we provide, which is to our warehouse.
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Shoppre offers the fastest rakhi courier service via Shoppre Courier. We guarantee a delivery speed of just 3-6 business days.
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Shoppre offers the lowest international shipping charges, and it would the best way for you to consider while shipping your extra luggage to wherever in the world including Canada. We offer a guaranteed speed of 3-6 business days for your packages to reach you and to handle each shipment with individual attention & efficiency that you can find nowhere else.
Yes you can. Shoppre offers to send homeopathic medicines, Ayurvedic or otherwise. Since they come under Special Items category & requires special treatment, the costs would also be slightly different.